Public administration and urban planning

Our team of lawyers in the area of Administrative Law advise both public sector entities and private companies and individuals in matters that link them to the public administration.

Its action consists, among others, in the preparation of reports on the most relevant administrative matters, the processing of administrative, contentious-administrative as well as constitutional procedures.

Our team in the area of Administrative Law has the following main areas of specialty:

- Administrative and contentious-administrative procedures before the administrations of the country: Government, Commons, CASS mainly.

- Public procurement both from the point of view of the administration and individuals.

- Urban planning, mainly in the drafting of the planning as well as in the advice of real estate projects.

- Advice on drafting draft regulations: laws, regulations, etc.

Public administration and urban planning
Administrative complaints
Public procurement
Public tenders
Real estate developments
Writing partial plans
Other practice areas

Contact us

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Tarragona Avenue 58-70
Les Columnes building, office 19
Andorra la Vella, AD500
Principality of Andorra

+376 810 800

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