Alternative dispute resolution

From the private sphere, mediation, as a way of alternative conflict resolution, helps all parties involved to find the fastest and most effective response and solution to labor and family conflicts, in educational centers and neighborhood communities and in housing in Andorra, as well as business conflicts.

The advantages of this way of resolution have led the professionals of our firm to make use of the tools of mediation in our day to day, incorporating them into the areas of private law of our clients, to help them find the most convenient and appropriate solution to the situations they encounter. At the same time, as lawyers, we advise them legally.

And, if it is the client's wish to go to mediation with the professionals assigned to the Register of Mediators of the Government of Andorra, we accompany them throughout the process, drafting the agreement so that it complies with the law.

Alternative dispute resolution
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Tarragona Avenue 58-70
Les Columnes building, office 19
Andorra la Vella, AD500
Principality of Andorra

+376 810 800

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