Heritage, family and successions

Our team of lawyers in the area of heritage, family and inheritance advises on all areas related to family relations and successions such as premarital contracts, matrimonial economic regime, agreements, divorces, separations, custody, compensatory and alimony pensions, adoptions, filiations, incapacitations among others, as well as everything related to the succession of the person, such as wills, acceptance or renunciation of inheritance, legacies, codicils, etc.


This area is focused on helping people in their personal relationships as well as with their assets and always offering a comprehensive treatment that provides solutions to our clients.


In our office we are aware of the particularities of each person and family, and we treat each client with the professional and human sensitivity that it requires at all times.

Heritage, family and successions
Economic claims
Neighbourhood relations
Premarital contracts
Matrimonial economic regime
Family agreements
Separation and divorce
Incapacitation procedures
Private international law
Other practice areas

Contact us

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Tarragona Avenue 58-70
Les Columnes building, office 19
Andorra la Vella, AD500
Principality of Andorra

+376 810 800

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